Let’s talk about the Future – Euro-Arab Youth Workshop, 6 – 12 September 2007, Warsaw
A growing number of Muslims in Europe and simultaneously the economic and political presence of the West in the Middle East makes the Arab world more and more conspicuous. It is essential for these both cultures to know each other, redefine mutual relations and modify stereotypes, that have been evolving through centuries.
Europeans often have a rather hostile attitude towards the Arab world, perceiving it through religious fundamentalism and low development without any knowledge about its inner diversity and contribution to development of European civilization. On the other hand Arabs feel rather mistrust towards Europe and the West, perceiving it as the major threat for their own culture and identity. These mutual stereotypes shall be broken through acquaintance and such is the aim of the Euro-Arab Youth Workshop.
During the Workshop young NGO leaders from European and Arab countries will discuss their common future. Some of the topics suggested are: Western presence in the Arab world, Islam in Europe, terrorism, the status of woman in the West and in the Arab world, the Middle East conflict, but also scientific and economic co-operation and many other important issues, without which any fruitful collaboration between the Arab world and Europe cannot be successful.
Let’s talk about the Future is a project of the Polish association Arabia.pl in co-operation with Association Estudiantine Culturelle & Scientifique / CIRTA (Algieria), Sustainable Development Association (Egypt), Jugend bewegt Europa (Germany), Mediterranean SOS (Greece), Friends of Culture Jordanian Forum / AS.Hab (Jordan) and Zajel Youth Exchange Program (Palestinian Authority).